Starting Today


Poetry anthology, co-edited with Rachel Zucker
University of Iowa Press, 2010

Original poems commissioned and composed by a wide range of America’s most exciting poets during the first 100 days of Obama’s administration.

“I love this idea, and I love these poems. The poem-a-day breeziness of the work is instructive not only to poets but also to cultural and academic critics, and Starting Today will be an important cultural and historical document. The editors cast a wide net when considering poets for this project and then trusted the poets themselves to come up with quality work. In doing so, they have accomplished something amazing. Obama is known for assembling strong teams—and the editors have done this as well. The poets, representing various schools, approach their poetry ‘assignment’ with vigor, intelligence, and wit.”—Denise Duhamel, author, Ka-Ching! and Two and Two

